Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Its Official

after months of waiting and begging
I'm finally getting an
yes I'm probably like the only one around that is just now
getting around to up grading to the snazzy little thing
back in December I up graded my phone to some free phone at Verizon 
and the didn't go so well
the phone was not that great it rarely sent my text 
half the time and wouldn't even connect to the Verizon cell towers
so i really don't even know how it actually worked.
So my mom worked her magic today and was able to get Verizon 
to let me upgrade again to an iPhone 4
I'm so so so excited 
and this time Monday i will be an official iPhone user!!


  1. Oh I am so jealous! I'd love an iPhone.. Or an Blackberry with a Cath Kidston cover, so pretty.

  2. Cool!!! I got my FIRST Iphone4S on Tuesday night. It's a little hard to get used to but I like it so far. I upgraded from a Droid X so the touch screen method as well as the different screens, I already knew how to manage.

    You'll love it =) I do recommend reading this article on how to keep your battery strong though. The battery life isn't great!

    There are other articles as well...


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