Saturday, February 18, 2012


I look back on my life and I see the way God has prepared me for where I am now
I see the way the trials I have faced have
shaped and molded me into the woman I am today.
I know that people say this all the time but 
I truly wouldn't change the way my life has played out for anything.
I've seen lots of hurt and lots of pain in my short 21 years
and all that has slowly lead me to my future
I'm going to be a Social Worker
I never thought I would be working in this field.
I went into college as a poultry science major, 
then I moved to nursing/ health promotions.
I always thought I would be a researcher in the science/medical field
but events over the past few years have changed me. 
When I look back I think it all started the summer of 2008 
when I took a mission trip to Brazil
the kids in those slums touched my heart and they still have a special place in it.
God has used a family that I know to show me the rewards and trials 
that come along with fostering/adopting.
and the most heart changing thing was this past semester when I studied in Chile
I volunteered at an orphanage once a week 
there were about 11 3-5 year olds.
they were so precious they wanted attention,
they craved love.
They needed someone there to show off their art work,
or pick them up when they feel down, 
and I was able for a short while be that person for them.
I needed to be there as much as they needed me
and that is when I knew
that God was calling me into Social Work 

God used my past full of brokenness
 to prepare me for the now
 so that I can live out

Isaiah 1:17 
"Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed, Defend the cause
of the orphans. Fight for the rights of widows"
and that is what I am going to spend the rest of my life fighting for

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing, Hannah! I know that God will use you in mighty ways to love His people. It's so inspiring to see how your heart has been prepared for your major!


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