Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Craigslist Purchase

I made my first craigslist purchase on Monday
I finally got a dresser 
after living out of duffel bags for the past 2 weeks
I was so excited to have found one that was in my budget
so Monday my friend Kelsey and I ventured off to pick up the dresser
after being kinda lost we finally found the place 
we went in and looked at the dresser and I know that I wanted it
so we headed back home with a "new"dresser in tow
well we get back to my apartment and well lets just say we were struggling with 
getting that thing up the stairs
it was a lot heavier than we though it would be
lucky there were two nice guys around that helped carry it up the stairs
well one we got it up and in that's where the little issue came in
I got the dresser into my room and that's when I realized how awful the thing smelled
when we went to look at neither Kelsey or I noticed it smelling bad
So I took all the draws out and put them on the balcony 
thinking that would help the smell 
well it didn't at all
that is when I realized that it was the whole dresser that smelled not just the inside of the draws
so I put the whole dresser out on the balcony 
I pulled it back in today to see how it smelled and it is still bad
so now I'm trying to figure out what to do.
should I keep it and try to figure out a way to fix it?
or Just trash it? 

If you know any tricks to get rid of the smell please let me know

1 comment:

  1. Generously sprinkle some baking soda in the bottom of each drawer and let it set. That is how I get the pickle smell out of gallon pickle jars I want to use.
    (Got here from Kelly's Korner and saw the dresser picture at the bottom of that entry. It looked interesting so I clicked on it.
    T. Coffey in Northwest Florida.)


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