Monday, March 28, 2011

Count down to Summer vacation

with only 5 more weeks of school left I have been plagued with the end of the school year I don't want to do anything plague. The more I think about school and all the work that it entails the more I just want to throw the flag up and quit!! But I do have the constant reminder that summer is just a few weeks away!
some things I look forward to doing this summer
1. reading books
this is probably one of my personal favorite ways to spend the summer. Ill admit it I am a nerd I love to read. So this is one think I am looking most forward to

2. Spending the summer with Jenna and Jake:
I have know these kidos for going on 5 years now and Ill have to admit it there like little niece or nephew. I spoil them like it and I look forward to spending a few week during the summer with them swimming, playing, seeing free movies, and watching them at summer camps.

3. Vacations
this summer I am going to get to go on the best vacation ever like I talked about in my last blog to China.

4. just being lazy
doing nothing all day. staying in my pjs all day and just doing what I want to do what ever that is.

5. spending time with my friends
I am away from all my good friends all year so the summer time is our time to catch up. Hang out do all the silly girl stuff that we do!

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