Friday, September 30, 2011

Loving It

Springtime {again}
some would say addicted but I say love
this precious face 
that needs so much lovin' 

So im really trying to drag out the details about Peru
just because it was my favorite 
and I want to make it last longer but..
I promise to finish it up this weekend

Today marks the 2 month mark of being in Chile
If I had to round the days I would be closer to going home then getting here
this makes me happy sort of
I can't wait to see all my lovely people
Skype isn't good enough for me 
sorry I require the finer things in life
but that also means leaving my friends here that I adore so much.
I'll have to go back to my old routine life.
not that I don't love that life
but studying abroad changes your perspective on things
so there will be a few shifts in that old life

Im off to enjoy this beautiful spring day were having here in Vina
hope everyone has a fabulous weekend
do something fun and unexpected

friday favorite things | finding joy

1 comment:

  1. As a fellow lover of the beverage Coca Cola -- I must tell you that I loved that picture. :)

    Praying for you as you say your goodbyes and embrace the news.

    Blessings, rich blessings to you!


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