Wheww what a weekend!
I did't travel anywhere but I was away from Vina all day saturday and sunday.
Saturday UVM took the international students to the capital of Chile, Santiago. We had to be at the school at 8:30 that morning. That was exceptionaly hard for me because I didn't fall asleep till like 3 that morning, stupied dogs and cars, but I made it to the school with time to spare. We had to take a bus for about an hour and fourty five minutes to the city. We spent the day walking around. We went to the National History Museum, a Church, A modern art museum of some sorts and Parque Metropolitano where they have a huge statue of the Virgin Mary. My favorite place was at the statue there were some breath taking views of Santiago with the Andes in the background we sat up there for about an hour just looking out over the city as the sun set.

Tawni and I

the protesting is still going on here. Someone said somthing about our school going into protest I sure hope this dosent happen!

The Virgin Mary Statue

Sunday was my Sylvia's grandsons birthday so we went to el campo (farm) where they lived for his party. We left around 12 and didnt get there untill about 3. I loved the farm they had cows and chickens it reminded me of Lindsey Cards house so much! The little boy had about 8 friends over and they played non stop from about 3 till around 7 when we left! I was really excited to have some cake Ive been craving some forever now. So when they sang "happy birthday" I was pretty stoaked. The kids didn't eat any cake at all just the adults. They sang and all the ninos went back outside to play and they set the tabel for all the adults to have the cake. I thougth that was a little funny definitely not american style! On the way home my friends invited me to the movies to see Horriable Bosses. it started at 10:10 and on the way back I was a little nervous we wouldn't make it back in time but we got back close to Vina and we hit a curb so hard that I fly up ( they dont have seat belts in the back seats) and shreak a little bit. it was like 9:20 when and the movie started in like 45 min and here we were sitting on the side of the road. Sylvia was trying to get help and franchesco didn't want her to so it was deffinatly a sight I must say. But they got that tire changed and I made it to the movies in time! It was neat to be inthe movies there it was in english and there were moments when i would forget that I was in chile while I was watching the movie. found out that wednesdays is the discount days for the movies so probably going to be seeing a few movies here!
Its been 3 weeks since I left America for Chile. My spanish is gradually getting better. My time here will be over before I know it. So im trying to go and do everything I can while Im here!
Lastly Happy birthday to one of my most dear friend Lindsey Knight. I can't believe that she is 22 today. I remember when we were in 8th grade just like it was yesterday. She is the friends that no matter how much time goes by I know I can call or see her and it's like no time pased! I treasure our friendship more than she know!
Yay! Now I can comment on this! Thank You Best Frand! :-) Love YOU!