Thursday, July 28, 2011

Standing By

Standby passengers sometimes have bad luck flying out. two summers ago two friends were trying to get to Dallas Texas for a mission trip and they sat in the airport for 4 days before they got on. Its just the luck of the day and time that you want to fly.

Well I decided to take the chance and get to Chile standby and save about uhh 3 thousand dollars. Well all summer we have been watching the flights and they have been perfectly fine, even had to cancel some because there just wasn't enough people on them. Well Monday rolls around and bam a ton of people and i mean a ton all the sudden are on the flights from Wednesday on. So now the wait begins. I really want to get there by Saturday cause that's when the rest of the people in the program are arriving but at this point as long as im there by Tuesday next week I will be ok with it.

I am really not worrying about it why worry? (Matthew 6:35) there is absolutely nothing I can do about it so there for I am just going to go into this with no stress yet. If I have to buy a ticket I will just suck it up and spend the money!

So over the next few day please just pray that the flights clear up and I can get to Chile as soon as possible!

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