Right now as we speak I am sitting in LaGuardia in New York City waiting to board a plane back to charleston.
You see I had this great idea about lunch time yesterday that I would go to NYC for the day and once I found out that there was a direct flight from Charleston my mind was made. I listed myself on the flight. Called my friend and we figured out where we would meet up. This morning everything was going smoothly besides the 25 minute delay in charleston. But when we were about 30 minutes away pilot came on the intercom and announced that we were being grounded in DC due to storms and would be there anywhere from one to two hours. My first reaction was panic and get upset because I only had about 4 and a half hours total in the city before I had to head back home. But after we landed I decided I wasn't going to let this detour make me angry. There is nothing anyone could do about it. Weather is weather it's uncontrollable and unpredictable. So for and hour and forty five minutes we sat in the plane. Now you would expect outrage from other passengers but much to my surprise everyone was so calm and no one ever got upset. All the little babies ran up and down the isles, the flight attendants were amazing and gave us endless amounts of peanuts and pretzels, and all us passengers just mingled about this and that. when the pilots came back on and started the engines there was a round of applause from everyone. By the time we landed in NYC it was 1:30. I wasn't able to go into the city because there just wasn't enough time I would have had about 30 or 40 minutes before I would have had to get back on the bus to leave. So now I wait for another delayed flight to take off fighting back the tears of disappointment.
But I am going to choose joy because that's the only thing I can do and on the bright side I was able to mark off "take a spontaneous unplanned trip" from my bucket list!!