Saturday, December 31, 2011

Year In Review

this year has been an amazing year for me
I've been so many places 
and met so many wonderful people!!

I started the year out In Charleston SC
I started at a new school Charleston Southern University

I absolutely love that school and that city
its such a beautiful place 
I know that this is the place God wants me to be right now!!

over the summer I had the opportunity to travel to
China and visit my long time friend 
who i meet freshman year of high school
it was so much fun seeing China and 
spending time with Wei in her home country
I also got to go on my first cruise 
with my 3 best friends to Bermuda 
I officially have been converted to a cruise vacationer from now on!!

half way through the spring semester at school 
I decided to Study Abroad
So in august I packed up my life in two suit cases
and set off to a country I knew nothing about 
for 4 and a half months
while I was studding I had the opportunity to travel around South America
I traveled to Peru and saw
 Machu Picchu, Lake Titicaca and Arequipa 
I went to Buenos Aries Argentina 
with my friend and her family
and the last trip 
was a 5 day hike in the Patagonia of Chile

This past year has been so amazing
I have loved every minute of it 
I am so blessed have been able to spend this past year
doing the things I love! 

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

"I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. 
The Savior-- yes the Messiah, the Lord  has been born today in Bethlehem,
the city of David"
Luke 2:10-11

hope everyone has a day full
of Love and Joy
don't forget the reason for this day
its not the presents or yummy food 
it about the birth of our savior 
on this day in a manger

Merry Christmas
from me and my little Santa

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Finding Direction

where do I go from here?
I'm at that point in life where I feel like I should know 
where I'm heading
I've got a year or so left in college 
then what do I do?
I've got to find a job, student loans to pay
but what if that's not the direction my life is to take?
lately I have felt this huge tug at my heart 
to serve orphans
I spend this past semester serving at a home for children 
and I feel in love with those kids
as each day passed I felt like I knew that was where I was supposed to be
I found my self picturing my life a few years down the road 
somewhere abroad serving orphans
they need love 
plain and simple
and I have so much to give 
I've been blessed so much and I only want to give back what I've been given
I know that I have student loan payments that have to be paid
but I also know that my God will provide 
and if I'm where He wants me to be then
my loan payments will be taken care of
so this is where you come in
I ask that y'all pray for me over the next few months
that I would be shown direction in  where I'm supposed to be/go
and that I would have the courage to follow Him
I would really really appreciate the prayers so much

now that you know my prayer request
how can I be praying for you?

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Busy Bee

wow this has been such a crazy week for me!!
this time last week I was on a plane coming home
Its hard to believe that I've been home for a week now
time has flown by
I've been so busy I have not even had time to breath it feels like!
this past week
I've gotten to visit Charleston and see some of my favorite people
we went to the James Island Light Show 
and that was so much fun we also got to roast marsh mellows there!!
On Friday I hosted a Christmas party
It was a lot of work getting everything together and made for the party
but it was so worth it 
to get to see everyone together and having fun!
we made pinterest ornaments i found a few weeks ago
and they turned out so good 
we were supposed to have a camp fire and make some'mores
but the rain came and we couldn't do them.
today was the annual Shiflett Christmas lunch
I look forward to this every year
when all the family is together.
this next week is equally as busy so blogging will probably take the back burner
Hope everyone is have a wonderful holiday season!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Home Sweet Home

I've been back in the US for 4 days now
I been go go go non stop for the past 4 days
I've already been to Charleston and back 
and on Friday is my big Christmas party 
so today has been full of crafting and shopping

Being back in the US has been bitter sweet
there are random moments when I get extremely emotional
and really miss everything about Chile
but there has also been some sweet moments that I have had with all my wonderful friends
my time in Chile was unforgettable
those memories will go with me throughout the rest of my life
the friendships I made will always been so dear to my heart
(we already have trips planed to see each other)
I was so blessed to have been in Chile 
and I would encourage anyone who wants to study abroad
to go
its worth every penny!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Experience of A Lifetime

I will miss
these place
these people
these streets
these times
but I will not
be sad because its over
I will be happy 
because I was blessed
to be here
so I will smile because
I got to experience 
these places
these people
theses streets
these times

the video is kinda long but i want to remember these
memories forever!

Friday, December 9, 2011


What really defines beauty?
is it what is in those magazines?
or what others think of you?
I struggled with beauty and acceptance in my life
Until I found my answer in the Bible

"your beauty should not come form outward adornment, such as elaborate
hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine cloths. 
Rather, it should be that of you inner self, the unfading beauty of a 
gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight"
1 Peter 3:3-4

Modern society leads young girls and women to believe that beauty
is determined buy how much you have
and the way you look on the outside.
Only the girls who are
the skinniest,
have flawless skin,
have perfect hair,
and own all the popular brand cloths
are the women who are considered beautiful
in the eyes of magazines and TV
as a young girl and teenager I really struggled with feeling beautiful 
I was self concision about everything
 from the cloths I wore to the acne on my face
there would be nights that I would sit in my room and cry
 because I believed that I was not beautiful
(and I'm not going to lie I still struggle with this)
But the Lord has really been working on my heart and helping me
truly understand beauty in myself and those around me
the Lord has given me people in my life who remind what real beauty is
Its loving you Lord and savior with all you heart.
Its acceptance of yourself and those around you flaws and all.
Beauty is Love
It comes from your own heart,
the way you carry yourself 
and you "gentle and quiet spirit"
that make you beautiful in the eyes of the Lord

What is something or someone that has reminded you that you are beautiful in the eyes of the Lord?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I Need Help

So I've decided to make a quilt
I've been looking everhwere all over the internet for the perfect one
and I just cant find one I'm in love with 
so I'm going to branch our and try my hand at making one myself
so here is where I need your help
I can't decide what fabric to use
so here is all the ones I like 
take a look and then leave me a comment with the one you like the most!

1. Summer Floral

2. Ruby Red
2. California Girls

4. Blue and Green
whats your favorite? 
let me know!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Weekend Rambles

It was the last full weekend in Vina 
and how did I spend it 
well I watched a lot of Grey's Anatomy
I know bad
but it was the good seasons where everyone was sick or dying 
I just couldn't quit watching
but other than that I spent a lot of time outside
I got a little bug bit
Its really really itchy
and the redness just keeps spreading
who knows what it is?
I don't know weather to be concerned or to just not be.

over the weekend Chile had their annual 
so I ventured out to the Vina Teleton event on Saturday 
it was really fun
and I got a little Chile flag to bring home
the Teleton is to support the children hospitals here
I didn't send anything in for the teleton
but I did buy a couple Christmas ornaments that supported the hospital

that's all for my weekend really
spent Sunday studying and just relaxing
and preparing myself for this last week of school
hope everyone has a good Monday!!

Miscellany Monday @
lowercase letters

Sunday, December 4, 2011

One Week

One Week 
that's all I have left
to finish school,
get all my last minute presents,
spend time on the beach,
pack all my stuff up in two suite cases,
& eat all the ice cream I can eat!
Its hard for me to believe that 4 months have already gone by
somehow time slipped right through my hands
and now I only have one week left.
my emotions are not thinking straight 
I really don't know how I feel about this
all I know is 
that I miss everyone at home so much 
but I am incredibly sad to leave everyone I've meet here
so here's to the last week in Chile
you will be bitter sweet 
but I'm ready to take you on!!

Friday, December 2, 2011


I met Kelsey through Lindsey at Young Harris
they were roommates.
the 4 of us (Lindsey C, Lindsey S, Kelsey and I )
became fast friends
we did everything together 
and we all formed a friendship that is so special and only God given
Kelsey and I are a lot alike in so many ways
we have the same personality and style
its kinda funny how we actually get along
cause usually if you are so much like someone it doesn't really work
but somehow we still manage to be best friends
we've had so many fun memories
like our trip to NYC freshman year of college,
our spring break trips to South Carolina and Savannah,
we've tried to go to a Lady Gaga look a like party in downtown Charleston,
and spent many many nights just cooking dinner and watching movies.
One of my favorites is when we hiked Brasstown Bald the day before we graduated Young Harris
Kelsey's dad hiked with us and wiped our butts on that hike
at the end when we were seriously dragging 
he was yelling at us from like 50 ft ahead to hurry up!
all of the memories are ones I will cherish forever
Kelsey has been there for me so much and I truly and grateful for our friendship!

Thank you for always being such a wonderful friend
Thank you for all being there for me and always loving me
thank you for your support in my life
always know that if you ever needed anything I would be there in a heart beat
always know that I love you and will always be there to 
cheer you on and cheer you up when you need it!! 
I love you like a sister 

James 1:27

Over the past semester 
Once a week I get to go and spend time with 13 cute little ones
I goe to hold them,
play with them,
laugh with them, 
kiss their little cheeks, 
hold their little hand,
cuddle them where they were sad
and somewhere along the way they worked their way in 
to a special spot in my heart.

my time at Hogar Nino Amor 
has been such a blessing to me
since I was a little girl I knew I wanted to help the orphans 
and being here has really showed me how much 
this need to happen 
even if its just for a short period of time in my life
every child matters 
they need love, 
they need someone to hold them when they cry, 
and someone to laugh and play with them.
they matter and I never want to become blind to that

everyone wont be called to live over seas and work with orphans 
but that doesn't mean we turn our back on them
in the bible we are called to care for the orphans (James 1:27)
so that means we should give our time for them
we can pray, 
we can donate, 
and we can support missionaries
who have dedicated their lives to serve orphans

So I encourage everyone to find a place to plug in
even if that means you are just praying for that organization and the kids they help!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Libby Lou

In the 8th grade a new girl moved to my school
we had a couple classes together
she seemed nice enough 
so struck up a conversation
well at least that's how I remember it
Lindsay seems to think that I was not so nice to her those first few days
I don't know where she get this from I was a perfect little angel back then!
but anyways we became fast friends in middle school
and all through out high school
we spent many weekends and school nights staying up laughing and doing just crazy things
One of my first memories I have with Lindsay is around Christmas time
I went over to her house and we took a bunch of pictures 
that became a normal for us!
we skipped school and went to the tanning bed many times,
She did my hair for home coming court
got airbursh T-shirts at the beach,
we spent our springs breaks in the mountains,
meet a crazy boy and then followed him to North Carolina for a Hardee's milk shake,
saw NYC together,
and spent hours upon hours shopping and talking.
She has always been such an encouragement in my life
She is one of those friends where we can go weeks without talking 
but get together and its like nothing ever changed.
She always has my back and supports me in everything I do!
I always know that I will have one person who will support me no matter what.
Lindsay truly knows my life 
she know my struggles and the hardships in it 
but she still love me regardless
She was the person I went to in high school when my life was literally falling apart
she was there for me
her family was there for me
they opened their home to me and comforted me when I need it most
and Ill never be able to thank them enough for that
Lindsay will always be my forever best friend 
no matter where we are in the world we know that were only a phone call away 

NYC 2006

Thank you for always being that constant friend in my life that I can always count on
thank you for loving me 
thank you for always encouraging me and supporting me 
you are always that one that I know will be there for me
Thank you for bringing laughter to my life when I need it the most
I am so grateful that God brought me the best best friend 8 years ago 
Always know that Im always on your side
I pray for you and only want the best for you
Im so proud of who you are and all the amazing pictures you take
your going to be the next great photographer I know it!!
never give up on you dream!
I love you so much

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