I've been lucky enough to have to opportunity as most of you know to study in Chile the past 3 months
Its been a roller coaster ride full of tons of different emotions
at first I missed my family and the luxury's of home
then I got a little used to the lifer here and now im pretty content most days
but I thought I would link up with Kelly and Show you what my life here in Chile is like on a daily basis
Monday threw Thursday I have classes
I take a Chilian Culture, Grammar, and Pronunciation class
the classes are pretty difficult and pretty easy all at the same time
Its really difficult because well I just don't know Spanish
I've been studying for 3 months now and I can get by with the little bit I know and hand motions
the teachers here are all very helpful and if I need help with anything they would do it!
I have a tutor that I go to on Tuesday mornings
she is my program (CEA) coordinator in Chile
She is fabulous and has helped me so much over the past few months
so I go to school in the morning and then I have the afternoons free to do what ever
somethings we go to the beach, sometimes we just walk around Vina
but we usually do something
I am still not over the whole feeling like im on vacation and need to be doing something all the time feeling and neither are my friends
So usually we are out and about most afternoons and especially now since summer is starting!!
Once or twice a week I get the chance to go to a Orphanage and volunteer
they have 12 kids staying there and they are precious
a lot of times they can drive you nuts because they run wild a lot but
they are super precious and already Im struggling with having to leave at the end of the semester
I told my mom the other day that I would be adopting one if I were old enough
The week days are pretty boring and chill around here not much excitement going one
which is fine by me because I am just a pretty relaxed person
but the weekends is where all the fun come in
So far since I've been here we've done something just about every weekend
we went skiing, visited other little towns around here or gone with our school on trips around Chile
there had been quite a few holidays since we have been here that we had school of for
So those weekends we have been able to take extra long trips
this past weekend I went to Argentina
over spring break we went to Peru to visit Machu Picchu
and then on the last one coming up in a few we are heading off to a fun place in Chile
traveling has been my favorite part about being down here
Its fairly cheap to travel around South America so that has been such a blessing
allowing me to see places I never thought I would ever get to see!
that's all the fun stuff but here are a few fun facts about my life here in Chile
~we eat a huge lunch
~dinner is not served until usually after 9 PM sometime
~I Live in a small little apartment with an older lady and a wonderful "sister"
~I walk to school every day, it takes about 7 or 8 minutes
~ there are about 10 bakeries withing one block of my apartment
~McDonald's has become something I crave, never happens at Home
~I get freshly made juice everyday
~I've mastered communicating with my hands
~the weather is opposite of the States so its spring time here
~I've made wonderful friends that I will cherish forever!
here are a few pictures of my life here in Chile
Chile is a beautiful country
home to the driest desert in the world
and has some of the most beautiful mountains in the world
I would encourage anyone to come and explore!!