Sunday, August 29, 2010


Its week 3 at Armstrong and I have been busy busy busy! we spent the first day in that apartment cleaning for hours this place was disgusting. So the roommates and had some good bonding over scrubbing, But the place is now super clean. My roommates are super amazing I love them to death! I have also been trying to get involved with different group and clubs on campus to make some new friends. So far its going pretty well i have meet some awesome people!

As most of you know I decided to cheer at the school this year. It has been two years since i last cheered or tumbled so when I walked in on the Thursday before camp i was a bit overwhelmed. most of the girls are just coming out of high school so they are used to all the practicing. So over the past three weeks I have gone threw a world wind refresher on everything. Along with the refresh I have been able to get to know everyone with all the time we have spent together the past three weeks. My first weekend here I left. The team traveled to Myrtle Beach for camp. There were so many good teams at camp we were all able to watch some amazing stunting and tumbling and learn a whole bunch of different techniques. We didn't walk away with a paid bid to nationals but we did walk away with the most improved trophy which we are all proud of. We worked super hard and the time and effort paid off. The next weekend we had our routine choreography. This was a lot of fun brought back lots of memories for the old days of choreography. We spent 3 days learning our routine from 2 amazing cheerleaders. This team is very hard working and whether we win are not we will always been a winner in my heart. We have learned how to work together as a team. Each time we practice and can see us getting better and better!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love

We are all faced with different situation in our lives and we all react differently to those situations. In this movie Liz made some huge drastic changes in her life which lead her to go on a year long journey around the world. As I watched this movie it made me want to drop everything and travel the world. Now i know this is completely irrational but still how cool would it be to travel the world and see sights that many people only ever get to see in pictures.

Also in this movie I started to think of the journey that God has for my life. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that God knows the plans he has for us and they will not harm us but give us hope and a future. I think about my future and I can come up so many different possibility's. It has always been my dream to be in the military, but is that's Gods plan for me? When it comes to determine Gods plan for my I get a little knot in my stomach. I am a runner when I get in a situation that makes me uncomfortable I flee, I run the opposite direction fast! So when I think of my Future that God has planed for me I get nervous that he will give me something that I can not Handel. But that is far from true because God does have a beautiful and perfect plan for every ones life. It is clearly states in Jeremiah 29:11. So in this I am comforted in know that God has a plan for my life and whether I know it or not I can have peace that all thing will work together for the good for those who love the lord accordingly (Romans 8:28)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Bucket List

I read a book once about a group of ladies that made up 20 things they wanted to do in life
I was inspired and decided to write my own list
Im still not finished with it 
but here it is so far
in no particular order 

 1. Ride In a Hot Air Balloon in Asheville NC
2. See Whales in the Ocean
3.Host a Child for the Holidays
4. Ride in a Sleeper Train
5. Be in NYC on New Years Eve
6. Have a Fire on the Beach
7. Buy the Person Behind Me in the Drive Throughs Lunch
8. Start a Charity
9. Hike on the Applicatian Trail
10. Go on an African Safari
11. Travel to Italy When I Graduate College
12. Go on a Trip Alone
13.Visit all the Contents 
14. Make a Quilt
15. attend the Oscars
16. learn to play the Violin 
17. go to the largest yard sale in America
18. Study Abroad
19. Take a spontaneous unplanned trip



About Me

I'm a Christian first and foremost
I strive to live like Jesus everyday
but im a sinner and I fall short of the glory of God on a daily basis
I'm a College student at Charleston Southern University
studying Social Science
in hopes of becoming a Social Worker 
I love kitties & puppies,
anything chocolate,
rainy days spent in reading novels,
long conversations with amazing friends that I couldn't live without!
I love seeing new places and experiencing new cultures
I think everyone should travel abroad at least once in their life
its a life changing experience
I have a passion for helping people 
I dream of doing something with my life that will help better others lives 

Sunday, August 1, 2010

One week till move in at Armstrong..

1. hopes the random roommate thing works out.. makes me miss Lindsey super bad
2. the making friends concept rattles my nerves
3. Cheerleading is going to be super fun... so uber excited about finally getting back into something I love!!
4.Its going to be so dagum hot down there, kinda dreading it.
5. finally my first apartment is exciting. get to make my own dinner no more ARA.. bitter sweet
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